Body Shop
After trying to get things started solo I figured the best plan of attack was to get some professional help, I mean to get the panels started at least. I had the car towed via flat-deck across town to Lancaster Restorations. I really didn't know where else to start as nothing looked familiar inside the car. There was an engine and transmission sure, but there was no wiring and no dash. No batteries, interior, roof. Really just a huge pile of rusty old parts. So off it went. Luckily the guys at Lancaster know Healeys. Ken had 5 or 6 laying around in various state of restoration. Terry worked his magic on the front and rear fenders. Then moved onto the shrouds. Since the shrouds, hood and boot are all aluminium it took a bit of work to get them back to the original shapes. The areas that were the most damaged were the rear trunk lid (boot) and the rear shroud. Being that they are so soft the years of abuse had taken their toll on the panels. I wish I had a few pictures of the car with all the panels on the chassis, but I don't. Needless to say eventually it got to the point where things were all in primer and looking like they belonged to one car. In the time between these pictures I had the radiator rebuilt, bought a original style cloth covered wiring harness, starter and a complete muffler system.
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